
A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Ezoic Ads.txt

Unraveling the Mystery: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing Ezoic Ads.txt


For bloggers and website owners partnering with Ezoic for ad revenue, ensuring a correctly configured ads.txt file is crucial. This file essentially tells advertisers which platforms are authorized to sell ad inventory on your site. If you find yourself in a position where you need to fix or set up your Ezoic ads.txt, fear not. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, making it a breeze even for those less tech-savvy.

Step 1: Begin the Ads.txt Process on Ezoic:

  • Log in to your Ezoic account.
  • Navigate to the section related to ads.txt setup.

Step 2: Visit

  • Open a new tab and go to
  • Click on "Get Started" to initiate the process.

Step 3: Authorize the Platform:

  • Follow the prompts, click "Next," and authorize the platforms you want to allow to sell ads.

Step 4: Obtain the Account ID:

  • After authorization, you'll receive an account ID.
  • Copy this ID and head back to your Ezoic account.

Step 5: Paste the Account ID in Ezoic:

  • In your Ezoic account, click "Next" and paste the ID in the Ads.txt manager account ID section.

Step 6: Generate Ads.txt File:

  • Copy the file redirect provided and paste it in a new tab as a URL.
  • This will display all the .txt code you need.

Step 7: Paste Code in Blogger Settings:

  • Go to your Blogger's settings.
  • Under monetization, locate the custom .txt section.
  • Paste all the .txt code you obtained earlier.

Step 8: Verify and Recheck in Ezoic:

  • Go back to your Ezoic account.
  • Click on "Verify."
  • Then, click on "Recheck Status."

Step 9: Validation Complete:

  • After rechecking, your Ads.txt will be validated.

Conclusion: Empowering You in Ad Management:

Fixing your Ezoic Ads.txt might sound intricate, but with this guide, you've successfully navigated the process. By following these steps, you've ensured that your ads.txt file is correctly configured, allowing for seamless ad management and revenue generation through Ezoic. As the digital landscape evolves, having a grasp of such technicalities empowers you as a content creator and site owner, ensuring you make the most of your online presence.

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Watch the video Guide : 

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