
Functions of RBI

Functions of RBI

Functions of RBI

Reserve Bank of India being an apex court of the center enjoys enormous power and functions under the banking system in India. It has a monopoly over the issue of bank-notes and the monetary system of the country. These powers and functions as to issue of bank notes and currency systems are governed by the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. Besides it the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 also empowers certain power and Function of the Reserve Bank.

1. Issue of Currency Notes:

Issue of Currency

The RBI has the sole right or authority or monopoly of issuing currency notes except one rupee note and coins of smaller denomination

2. Banker to other Banks:

Banker to Other Banks

The RBI being an apex monetary institution has obligatory powers to guide, help and direct other commercial banks in the country. The RBI can control the volumes of banks reserves and allow other banks to create credit in that proportion.

3. Banker to the Government:

Banker to Govt.

The RBI being the apex monitory body has to work as an agent of the central and state governments. It performs various banking functions such as to accept deposits, taxes and make payments on behalf of the government.

4. Exchange Rate Management:

Exchange Rate 

It is an essential function of the RBI. In order to maintain stability in the external value of rupee, it has to prepare domestic policies in that direction.

5. Credit Control Function:

Credit Control

Commercial banks in the country create credit according to the demand in the economy. But if this credit creation is unchecked or unregulated then it leads the economy into inflationary cycles. On the other hand credit creation is below the required limit then it harms the growth of the economy. As a central bank of the nation the RBI has to look for growth with price stability. Thus, it regulates the credit creation capacity of commercial banks by using various credit control tools.

6. Supervisory Function:

Supervisory Functions

The RBI has been endowed with vast powers for supervising the banking system in the country. It has powers to issue licenses for setting up new banks, to open new branches, to decide minimum reserves, to inspect functioning of commercial banks in India and abroad, and to guide and direct the commercial banks in India.

These are Main functions of the RBI.

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